Virtual Tours

Digital Marketing

Virtual Tours provide an immersive and engaging way to showcase hotel accommodations, amenities, and surroundings to potential guests. They allow travellers to virtually explore properties before booking, increasing transparency and trust. Virtual tours can significantly boost bookings, with studies showing properties with tours receiving 46% more bookings than those without.

Immersive Meetings

Immersive Meetings within Virtual Tours allow sales and marketing staff to personally escort prospective guests on hyper-realistic virtual walk-throughs of hotels, resorts, etc., highlighting key features and answering questions in real-time.

Immersive Training

Virtual Tours provide an effective way to train staff on hotel facilities and operations. Employees can virtually explore properties to learn layouts, amenities, and procedures. This allows for consistent training across locations and reduces the need for in-person site visits.

Construction Process Management

Virtual Tours can be used to monitor construction progress and identify issues. Project managers can virtually walk through job sites to inspect work, take measurements, and collaborate with teams. This improves transparency and efficiency in the construction process.

Facility Maintenance Management

Virtual Tours enable remote monitoring and management of hotel facilities. Maintenance staff can virtually inspect equipment, identify problems, and plan repairs. This reduces the need for on-site visits and improves response times to issues.

IoT Systems Monitoring and Control

Virtual Tours can integrate with IoT systems to provide real-time monitoring and control of hotel systems. Staff can virtually view system status, adjust settings, and troubleshoot problems. This improves efficiency and reduces energy costs.

Augmented Reality (AR)

3D Objects in AR

AR allows hotels to virtually stage rooms with furniture and decor. Managers can use AR apps to visualize different design options and customize their spaces.

AR Info Points

AR can be used to display interactive AR Information Points throughout hotel properties. Guests can access details about amenities, services, and local attractions by viewing AR overlays on their devices. This provides a convenient and engaging way to discover what a hotel has to offer.

AR Navigation

AR Navigation apps can guide guests through hotel properties and local areas. Guests can view directions, maps, and points of interest overlaid on the real world. This improves wayfinding and exploration for visitors, enhancing their overall experience.

Drone Imaging

360 Aerial Imaging

Drone-captured 360 Aerial Images provide a unique perspective of hotel properties and surroundings. They allow potential guests to virtually explore the area from above, showcasing the location, views, and layout. This can be a powerful tool for digital marketing and virtual tours.

360 Aerial Videos

360 Aerial Videos captured by drones offer an immersive way to showcase hotel properties and destinations. Guests can virtually fly over and around properties to get a comprehensive view. These videos can be used on hotel websites, social media, and virtual tours to attract and engage potential visitors.

3D Modelling

Drones can capture data to create high-resolution 3D models of hotel properties and surrounding areas. These models provide an accurate digital representation that can be used for planning, design, and virtual tours. They allow for precise measurements and visualizations of properties from an aerial perspective

Artificial Intelligence

AI Avatar Chatbots

AI-powered chatbots can provide 24/7 assistance to hotel guests. Avatars can engage in natural conversations to answer questions, provide recommendations, and help with booking and service requests. This improves guest satisfaction and reduces the workload on staff.

Data Analysis and Forecasting

AI can analyse vast amounts of data from hotel operations, guest interactions, and market trends. It can identify patterns, predict future outcomes, and provide insights to help optimize business strategies. This enables hotels to make data-driven decisions and stay competitive in the market.


AI can automate and optimize various hotel processes, such as revenue management, staffing, and supply chain logistics. By analysing data and learning from past performance, AI can make real-time adjustments to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance overall operations.